Sunday, July 23, 2006

Back from Vacation... Personal Sabbath

After spending three weeks minus a day on vacation, I was back in the pulpit this morning. All seemed to be well, and it felt good to be back in the office. I spent a bit of time developing the website look and sent some material off to Jordan. The trouble with church websites is that for the most part, they are nothing more than poorly-designed flyers that end up being cast aside on the Information Superhighway as the 'net was once called.

This 'blog is a collection of my ongoing thoughts and reflections for my work with Clarkson Road. Starting it up mid-summer seems to be appropriate, and there might actually be a corpus of material by the time we get the website up and running by September!

It is sometimes in our conversations that we experience a new understanding of God's movement in life. Where have you seen God?

Maybe I'll try opening the conversation, here's one picture from my holidays:

The Cabot Trail on Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia.


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