Saturday, December 15, 2007

Cancelling a Service

The last time I was involved in a decision to cancel a worship service was during the Ice Storm of 1998, nearly 10 years ago. In that case, there was no power to the church, and large sheets of ice were sliding off portions of the steep-angled roof. Tonight, after looking at the weather reports, speaking with the Clerk of Session, Choir Director, as well as a handful of other people in the congregation we decided to cancel the worship service for December 16.

The irony is, at the moment, there is not a great deal of snow on the ground. I can't help but second-guess the decision... The Weather Network has been sounding Klaxon alarm bells, but then again, we've become a bit jaded to the warnings that they issue. After all, one does need to get TV ratings. It was the Environment Canada bulletin combined with the US weather radar that tipped the balance to err on the side of caution. The wind has just picked up over the past half-hour, and I can see snow being blown about. I will be getting up early in the morning to check on the storm's progress. My prayer is that everyone remains safe, and that the storm is not as bad as the predictions indicate.

As for the choir service, as indicated in the announcement, we will have the choir service take place on Sunday, December 23, 2007 as part of the regular service...