Tuesday, October 02, 2007

The Stuff I'm supposed to be busy with

I was once told in seminary that it's a really good idea NOT to tell the congregation how busy you are... It's good advice, really, because by always claiming to be busy, people will become more reluctant to talk, because they don't want to bother the minister.

"Oh... you're busy... you don't have to come and see me..." As the line goes

My reply is usually, "but this is the stuff I'm supposed to be busy with!"

I think all of us are busy, and certainly in this profession, it tends to come in waves. This afternoon I will be conducting my 3rd funeral in 5 days. Admittedly that's a new record for me, and one that I don't really care to repeat any time soon. Yet at the same time I also know that because of that, I do need to make sure that I take the time to stop, pause, relax and reflect... to take moments to really remember on what's really important.

In the midst of all this, I gave my daughter a bath last night. It was far more relaxing than one might imagine... why? because it's the important stuff to remember. Megan enjoys her bath, and has fun... and that's something I can share with her without feeling pressured for time. Maybe that's the lesson I need to learn. Maybe that's what I am supposed to be busy with.

Until next time...


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