Thursday, October 05, 2006

Late Night Musings

It's 1:11 am... far past my bedtime.

My daughter Megan woke up just as I was settling in for the night. She didn't really fully wake up, but either a bad dream or some soreness from teething saw her begin to fuss. I wanted to let Sarah get some sleep, she needs it more than I do. After changing her diaper, I gently rocked her back to sleep, still not being entirely sure of what inspired this case of the fussies. I shouldn't complain too much, my daughter normally sleeps like my wife does, like a rock. I'm spoiled, actually.

With Thanksgiving approaching this weekend, it's just occurred to me that this will be our first Thanskgiving since Megan was born. I guess I had almost taken it for granted, that I've gotten so used to her being around, that it hasn't really occurred to me how much in my life has changed over the past year. The vast majority of it for the better. I find myself far more mindful of the meaning of Thanksgiving, at least on a personal sense... reflecting on what has changed, and being grateful for all these new opportunities. I once regarded myself as a professional student of sorts... and now that I'm a new parent, I've been able to reclaim that sense of wonder that comes with learning something new. Much of it has been with my daughter to be sure, but it has also extended into other areas as well. Hopefully, I can share the fruits of that labour soon.

In the meantime, it's time for me to finally go to bed...


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