Monday, October 02, 2006

Mission Being Accomplished...

Well, the website is now officially public. We unveiled it to the congregation yesterday, but I suspect that it will still take some time for people to build habits around frequenting it. The next stage is to listen to feedback, to listen to peoples comments and questions, and then start incorporating them into "Stage 2" of the design.

I've been very pleased with this process, and am particularly indebted to Christine who has made sure that the "good enough" mantra hasn't crept into the design. Trust me, she's had to work pretty hard at it... and I didn't think that I would fall victim to it myself. However, in the intially rush to get this website up, I found myself tempted to cut corners, rather than to look at the cohesive whole.

That having been said, the website is certainly not perfect. It actually embodies, in some respects, the principle of being a "Reformed and Reforming" church. I've commented in other settings that as part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, we are part of a tradition that considers itself to be "Reformed and Reforming." The trouble is, most of the time we stop with simply the first word and stay there.

The reality is, God calls us to be constantly adapting and changing to the new challenges that life throws at us. To be a "Reforming" church means that we are responsive to the need for change, adapting and growing as we learn more about our environment. The development of this website, is a genuine an exercise in being precisely that. Instead of saying "Mission Accomplished" we are better to say "Mission Being Accomplished."


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