Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Challenges of Study

Tonight is the last of my Summer Bible Studies at Clarkson Road. I've thoroughly enjoyed this one, as I did the Genesis 1-11 study last year. It is nice to be able to go in-depth, handle a bit of controversial material, and have people respond the way that they do. I try to give an overview of what people who make a life's career out of studying the Bible and its context have discovered. It's absolutely fascinating.

We live in a time of Biblical Illiteracy, where people are not aware of the stories, much less the context of when things were written. It's our reality. Although I have to admit that this is not a bad thing for two reasons. Firstly, there is a genuine hunger out there to learn more about the Bible, and secondly, there's a lot fewer people around who think they know the Bible better than they really do.

Granted, I should try to be careful not to lump myself in the same category. I continue to learn a lot myself from when I put together these studies. It was once said that one studies for a Ph.D. to learn how much they don't know.

Too true...


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