Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Preparing for Revelation

I spent much of my time yesterday working on the upcoming Reclaiming Revelation Bible Study. A number of my colleagues have wished me the best of luck on this, although I sometimes get the sense it's more in the adage that "Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread..." kind of thing.

I think the main challenge is going to be working against what has become popularized belief of what Revelation is about... hence the name Reclaiming Revelation. That having been said, am still amazed at how utterly misguided the pop beliefs around the last book fo the Bible are... and yet they're so ingrained that it may take some time to break through it.

I decided that for at least a half-hour in the first Session, I'm going to be looking at the current pop-beliefs around Revelation, and showing how that line of thought developed... and why it does violence to the orginal intention of the text.

Wish me luck... Pray for me... both are applicable ;-)


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